Contract for delivery of software for AIS based VTS along the river Guadalquivir, Spain

In the frame of the project TECNOPORT 2025, the company Portel Servicios Telemáticos S.A. will install a new AIS system for traffic surveillance and guidance along the river Guadalquivir from Port of Seville down to the Atlantic.

in-innovative navigation GmbH has been commissioned to deliver their proven software and display solutions for detection, processing and presenting the traffic data. Besides AIS information commonly used for VTS systems, it is planned to integrate meteorological and hydrological data for the first time.

Traffic data together with CCTV images and current weather and water level for each river section will be available in a customized display solution at the traffic center. Furthermore, a web access to these data will enable other authorized user in future to profit from this new service. This might be port authorities or other stakeholders, e.g. companies for transport and logistics.

The river Guadalquivir with a total length of 657 km is the longest river in Andalusia and the only navigable river in Spain. Today, it is navigable for container ships up to Seville, from where already Christopher Columbus set sail for his travel; smaller vessels can navigate even as far as Cordoba.

It is expected that the technical modernization of this inland waterway, which is still important for Spain, will also support the upswing of the economic significance 0f Seville in international trade.